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What is Three-Tier Data (Bronze, Silver, Gold) and How Dremio Simplifies It

Published: at 09:00 AM

Organizing and curating data efficiently is key to delivering actionable insights. One of the most time-tested patterns for structuring data is the three-tier data organization pattern. This approach has been around for years, with each layer representing a different level of processing, from raw ingestion to fully prepared data ready for business use. While the names for these layers have changed over time, the concept remains foundational to managing data flows in complex environments.

In this blog, we’ll explore the evolution of the three-tier data organization pattern and how it has been referred to by different names like raw/business/application, bronze/silver/gold, and raw/clean/semantic. We will then dive into how this pattern is used to move data from one layer to the next. Lastly, we’ll discuss how tools like Dremio, along with advanced features such as Incremental and Live Reflections, simplify managing these layers without needing excessive data copies, particularly when working with Apache Iceberg tables.

The Evolution of the Three-Tier Data Organization Pattern

Historical Terminologies

Over the years, the three-tier data organization pattern has been referenced using different naming conventions. Each naming scheme reflects the progression of data through its lifecycle—from unprocessed to refined and actionable. Here are some common terminologies used:

A Universal Pattern

Despite the variation in names, the underlying concept remains the same: data is moved through different stages, each one adding more processing and value to the data. This structured movement helps ensure that organizations can have data at varying stages of readiness, depending on the use case. The pattern facilitates everything from raw data exploration to high-performance reporting.

In the next sections, we’ll explore how this pattern is applied to move data between layers, and how modern tools like Dremio can make managing this process easier and more efficient.

2. The Role of Each Layer in the Pattern

Each layer in the three-tier data organization pattern serves a distinct purpose in processing data, making it easier to manage and consume over time. Let’s break down the role of each layer.

Raw Layer (Bronze, Raw)

Business Layer (Silver, Clean)

Application Layer (Gold, Semantic)

By organizing data in this tiered structure, organizations ensure that they can move data smoothly from raw to ready-for-business use, making each layer available for different types of analysis depending on the needs of the business or application.

3. Traditional Challenges with Data Movement Between Layers

While the three-tier data pattern is foundational in modern data systems, it comes with challenges, particularly around moving data from one layer to the next.

Data Duplication

In traditional data systems, each layer typically involves creating separate copies of data. For example, data must be copied from the raw layer to the business layer, and again to the application layer. These copies consume storage resources and often lead to increased operational complexity in managing different versions of the same data.

Latency and Sync Issues

As data moves between layers, transformation jobs are often scheduled as batch processes, leading to delays between the availability of new data in each layer. This latency can cause inconsistencies between layers, particularly when the data in one layer is updated while the data in another is outdated.

Storage Overhead

Maintaining multiple copies of data across different layers results in significant storage overhead. For large-scale data systems, this can quickly become a burden, not only in terms of storage costs but also in terms of maintaining a clear lineage and understanding of the data.

In the next section, we’ll discuss how Dremio addresses these challenges by allowing organizations to streamline data movement through virtual views and reflections, reducing the need for excessive data duplication.

4. How Dremio Streamlines Three-Tier Data Curation

Dremio provides a modern approach to managing the three-tier data organization pattern, reducing many of the challenges traditionally associated with moving data between layers. By leveraging Dremio’s features such as virtual views and reflections, organizations can streamline the process, minimize data duplication, and improve query performance without needing to manage multiple physical copies of data.

Virtual Views: Logical Representation Without Duplication

One of Dremio’s most powerful features is the ability to create virtual views, which allow you to logically represent the data at different stages (raw, business, and application) without having to duplicate or physically move it. These virtual views are essentially SQL queries that define how the data should appear at each stage, offering the following benefits:

Reflections: Efficiently Materializing Data When Needed

While virtual views provide logical representations of each layer, Dremio’s reflections allow you to physically materialize data when necessary for performance optimization. Reflections are essentially pre-computed Iceberg-based data representations that Dremio can use to accelerate query performance across different layers. The key advantages include:

With these features, Dremio makes it much easier to manage the three-tier data pattern, offering flexibility in how data is represented and materialized while reducing the need for costly and complex data movement between layers. This is particularly valuable in modern data architectures, where the volume and velocity of data continue to grow.

In the next section, we’ll explore how Dremio’s Incremental Reflections and Live Reflections enhance this process even further, particularly when using Apache Iceberg tables as the underlying data format.

5. The Impact of Dremio’s Incremental and Live Reflections

Dremio takes data acceleration a step further with Incremental Reflections and Live Reflections, especially when working with Apache Iceberg tables. These features significantly enhance the efficiency of the three-tier data organization pattern by optimizing how reflections are updated and refreshed, ensuring data consistency without the need for full table reprocessing.

Incremental Reflections: Optimizing Data Refreshes

Incremental Reflections allow Dremio to refresh only the parts of a reflection that have changed, rather than reprocessing the entire dataset. This is particularly valuable in large-scale environments where data is constantly being ingested and updated. Incremental Reflections provide several key benefits:

Live Reflections: Always Fresh Data

Live Reflections take the concept of data freshness even further by automatically updating whenever underlying data changes. This means that whenever the raw Iceberg tables are updated, the reflections built on top of them are automatically kept in sync without manual intervention. The advantages include:

Use Case: Incremental and Live Reflections with Apache Iceberg

When combined with Apache Iceberg, Dremio’s Incremental and Live Reflections offer a powerful solution for managing data across the three-tier pattern. If the underlying data sources are Apache Iceberg tables then reflections across your layers can be refreshed incrementally and triggered when data changes vs full refreshes and scheduled refreshes for non-Iceberg sources (databases, data warehouses, non-iceberg data on your data lake):

In summary, Dremio’s Incremental and Live Reflections bring significant improvements to the three-tier data organization pattern by ensuring data remains fresh and synchronized with minimal overhead.

By leveraging these powerful features, Dremio not only simplifies the process of managing the three-tier data pattern but also ensures that organizations can do so with optimal efficiency and minimal cost.

6. Real-World Benefits of Using Dremio with the Three-Tier Data Organization Pattern

Now that we’ve explored how Dremio’s virtual views, reflections, and advanced features like Incremental and Live Reflections enhance the three-tier data organization pattern, let’s dive into the real-world benefits this approach delivers to data teams and organizations.

1. Minimized Data Duplication

Traditional data architectures often rely on creating multiple physical copies of data at each tier, which leads to increased storage costs, operational complexity, and data governance challenges. With Dremio’s virtual views and reflections, you can represent data at different stages without needing to physically copy it. By reducing data duplication, organizations can save significantly on storage costs and maintain a more streamlined data architecture.

2. Faster Time to Insights

One of the core objectives of the three-tier data organization pattern is to move data through different stages of readiness, from raw to fully processed, as efficiently as possible. Dremio’s reflections dramatically speed up query times by precomputing views of the data, allowing users to access insights faster, particularly at the business and application layers.

3. Real-Time Data with Minimal Overhead

The combination of Apache Iceberg’s efficient data partitioning and Dremio’s Live Reflections enables organizations to maintain real-time or near-real-time data freshness without the operational overhead typically associated with traditional batch processing. Live Reflections automatically update when new data arrives, ensuring that the entire pipeline—from raw to application-ready data—stays consistent and up-to-date.

4. Scalability and Flexibility with Apache Iceberg

Using Dremio alongside Apache Iceberg provides an ideal foundation for scaling the three-tier data architecture. Iceberg’s design allows for efficient handling of large datasets, versioning, and schema evolution, which are crucial for maintaining data consistency and performance as data volumes grow.

5. Better Resource Utilization

With Dremio’s ability to streamline data movement between layers and optimize query performance, organizations can make better use of their computational resources. Instead of spending significant compute power on redundant data transformations or processing entire datasets for minor changes, Incremental Reflections ensure that only the necessary data is processed, reducing costs and improving efficiency.

These real-world benefits make Dremio an invaluable tool for implementing and optimizing the three-tier data organization pattern. By leveraging its advanced features like virtual views, reflections, and its seamless integration with Apache Iceberg, organizations can achieve faster, more cost-effective data management, while maintaining the flexibility to scale as their data needs grow.